Expectations of a quality daycare center

What Do Parents Expect From Daycare Programs

The primary business of daycares is to take care of infants and children under the age of twelve when the parents are committed elsewhere. Parents choose to use the services of a childcare facility because of the low cost per hour, the opportunity for social skill learning, and to ready their child for a school environment.  

Parents in need of daycare services will most likely look first at the daycare providers near them or on the commute to their workplace. They will then compare the programs on how beneficial the center will be to the early development of their children. These programs give children the opportunity to interact with other children their age thus enabling them to learn and naturally pick up valuable social skills along with other behavioral skills. The price will also play a large role when a parent is choosing a center. Daycare pricing can vary depending on the programs offered and the experience level of the teachers. Before opening your daycare decide what end of the pricing spectrum you need to be compared to other facilities in the area. 

As covered below, daycares offer different programs for all ages. Note that there are programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children.

Infants Programs: Age Group is 6 weeks - 9 months

Developmental Activities should include attentive talking, rhyming & singing, rocking, and cuddling,  

Cognitive: Early brain development depends on a multitude of factors, including providers responsiveness, exposure to language and conversation, nutrition, and physical activity.

Socio-Emotional: Brain research reveals that emotional and cognitive development are interrelated. Providing responsive caregiving to infants not only helps them begin to manage their emotions and gain a feeling of safety and predictability in their environments but also actively supports attention and learning.

Physical: The development of small and large muscles is essential during these early years. Whether your baby is just beginning to lift their head, rolling from stomach to back, or taking that first step, An infant nursery should offer plenty of comfortable space for them to practice these early motor skills in a safe and secure environment.

Toddlers Programs: Age Group is 15 months - 3 years

Developmental Activities should include discovery time, early skill learning, socialization, fitness, potty training, and language communication.

The caregivers taking care of these toddlers should be able to help them develop their language and do-it-yourself skills. This is a curious and anxious age and caregivers should demonstrate a passion for stimulating a toddler's hunger for knowledge.

Cognitive: A multitude of factors affect brain growth during these developmental years. Among them are the feeling of safety and security in their environment, responsiveness of caregivers, and exposure to talking, reading, singing, and other intellectually stimulating exercises.

Socio-Emotional: Understanding personal feelings and the feelings of others, controlling emotions constructively, regulating behavior, and building relationships with other children are essential to healthy socio-emotional development in toddlers. Positive relationships with nurturing caregivers and communication about thoughts and feelings are crucial as toddlers discover themselves, their peers, and adults.

Physical: Excited to explore the world around them and their newfound physical abilities, toddlers’ little bodies seldom keep up with their imagination. As their gross and fine motor skills develop, toddlers, require an abundance of safe indoor and outdoor spaces to walk, jump, run, and play.

Preschoolers Programs: Age Group is 3 years - 5 years.

Developmental Activities should include preschool curriculum, challenging math, science, social studies, and literacy activities, fitness routines, and exposure to literature.

Here, babies have fun and enjoy lots of games, but the real benefit comes from reading and writing skills. Daycares are designed, decorated and equipped to help develop these beginning skills.

Cognitive: Healthy children are born with billions of brain cells, each capable of making as many as 20,000 connections. Cells that don’t connect die and are never replaced. Well-structured environments, nurturing teachers, and stimulating projects develop fundamental brain-cell connections.

Socio-Emotional: Children form many relationships: first with parents, then outside caregivers, and finally their peers. The essence of these first relationships impacts how a child learns to regulate emotions, socialize, and share for the rest of their life. Responsiveness and communication is core to socio-emotional growth.

Physical: Preschool children are running, hopping, jumping, and climbing constantly. They need a safe place to master their new physical abilities. Age-appropriate play equipment promotes further development of gross and fine motor skills.

School-age children Programs:

Established daycares can also provide useful programs for school-age children. Whether it is before school, after school, or both, children are involved in stimulating activities and areas to either do homework or enjoy free time.

Customized Learning Programs: Programs offering activities and learning in technology, sports, art, reading, drama, organized games, cooking, or science, should be provided so children can pursue their interests.

Outdoor Adventures & Activities: Children’s muscles, bones, and emotional health gain from physical activity. Teachers should oversee all physical activities in a secure outdoor play environment.

Help with Homework: A child benefits from working closely with skilled teachers in small classes. Whether the subject is English, math, or science, a teacher should be able to help complete homework and work through complicated problems as needed.

Seamless School Days: Transportation to and from many neighborhood elementary schools may be a needed service. 



What Do Parents Expect From Daycare Programs

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